Updates to Review PDF and Enhancements to Exporting Data

By Mary Ann Colston on April 16, 2018

Review PDF Update

The Threads team has replaced the “Signature” section of the review PDF with a more detailed and accurate section called “History”. Just as it did previously, it will still list when the review was accepted and by who. However, now you will also be able to see when the review was completed and by who, and when the review was released and by who.


General Export Improvement:
Now, when you encounter a large export (over 300 items), you will be emailed a link to download your file if you do not want to wait while the export queues in Threads.


Here is what the email looks like when your export is ready:


Job Description Exports:

You can now download multiple job descriptions as PDFs at once! Just select the job descriptions you would like, or select all, and click “export”. Then choose “Job Descriptions (PDF)” to begin your download.


Review List Exports:

Exporting review data as a CSV has some new options included. You can now choose if you would like to include the following historical information:


Here are the steps to export this review data:


Feedback / Employee Stats Exports:

You can now export the employee stats information that is underneath your feedback section.

Here is how you can export this information as a PDF:


Here is how you can export this information as a CSV:


Please let us know if you have any questions about these new updates by emailing us at support@threadsculture.com