Updates: Mid March 2021

By Mary Ann Colston on March 14, 2021

We are constantly adding and updating Threads to meet our clients needs. This latest release has the following notable updates.

Enhanced Job Description Permissions


Optional: Managers can edit job descriptions 

We have made it possible now for admins to choose if they would like anyone that is a manager to have the ability to edit job descriptions, including results criteria. Many large clients appreciate this feature as it allows the admins to get assistance from managers on ensuring results criteria is accurate for their specific employees. 

Learn more about enabling managers to edit job descriptions

Optional: All employees can view all job descriptions

We made a recent update that hid results criteria in job descriptions from employees due to many clients having specific individual criteria that needed to remain private. Since then, we heard from some customers that they relied on this visibility to all to assist in career planning and in providing more accurate feedback to others. In order to accommodate these two very different use cases, we have added an option in company settings that allows admins to choose whether they want employees to view all job descriptions including results. 

Learn more about updating to allow employees to view all jobs

Feedback for  Inactive / Former Employees 


Give Feedback Modal Clarity

Before it was hard to identify if an employee from the give feedback picker was an active, former or inactive employee. We now have labels next to the names of inactive and former employees.

We also have found the need to give feedback for inactive or former employees diminishes greatly after 90 days. So, after 90 days, those inactive and former employees will no longer appear in the give feedback picker. Instead, admins and managers of those employees will be able to continue to give feedback after 90 days by instead going to that inactive / former employee’s profile. Learn more about giving feedback to inactive / former employees

Export Improvements: Feedback


The feedback CSV export had some html formatting brought into the feedback data. As a fix for those who do not want that, we have added an additional Feedback CSV export column option to display non stylized text.

Export Improvements: Review Acceptance Comments


Several clients noted the need to be able to export the acceptance comments that their team was entering into reviews en masse. We have added an additional Review CSV export column option to display those comments.

If you have any questions about these updates, please feel free to reach out to us at support@threadsculture.com