Built for Longevity

Threads Core Value #2

Coaching that trains leaders to make core values, results and employee engagement their focus every day with experts that have actually built the best cultures themselves.

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No consultant speak
Leveraging real life experience over consultant speak, our coaches focus on how core values define your culture.

Creating Your Core Values
Need to hear
We tell you what you need to hear, while helping to teach your team how to define, communicate and apply your core values.

Best culture wins

Where are your Culture Challenges?

Don’t have core values that reflect your organization? Creating Your Core Values

Have a performance review and employee engagement process that isn’t working? The expectations playbook

Are things just a little off in your organization and need a boost to take your team to the next level? Best Culture Wins

Are you feeling you are often misunderstood, or no one is listening to you? Communicating From Your Core

Are your employees talking to each other but not saying what needs to be said? The Truth About Difficult Conversations

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Our Coaching Approach

We train leaders to make core values and employees their focus every day. Your team will learn both the "how" and the "why" behind your core values and their impact on your culture.
Your managers will have the tools and the confidence to have the difficult conversations they have been avoiding and the positive employee encouragements they may have been ignoring.
Your team will be motivated to provide timely, actionable and respectful feedback and performance reviews.
By telling you what you need to hear, versus what you want to hear, our culture coaches will hold your organization accountable - ensuring your team's success.
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What our Clients think

Threads helped us understand the difference between culture and perks.

We didn't have a way to measure culture.

Now when we interview and do reviews we are looking at our values and making sure the individual fits.

Hear how we help our clients.